I guess you're wondering what I'm doing and by the title of this post I bet you can figure it out. That's right I'm looking at porn... Just kidding! Unless you count the cute boy at the gym as porn, even though I'm sure he's done some.
I'm actually studying really hard right now. Getting an education is a serious thing. I know cause all the typo's underlined in red on this page are driving me crazy as I attempt to write. A ever constant reminder that there is always more to learn and that dictionaries are your friends.
So now that my gym bunny has gotten off of the treadmill and away from the window I can continue to study. I'll start with an outline of objectives; things that I want to learn or review and work my way down the laundry list of things that need to be covered for my upcoming final. Then once I'm done capturing the information in a very pretty Google Doc. I'll review it over 3 or 4 times and attempt to fill my already fat head with more information than it had 3 hours ago.
In theory this seems like a full proof plan. I have the information, I'm reviewing it, and I no longer have any distractions since the rather unattractive gentlemen in the back of the gym has now decided to recreate the class Olivia Newton-John video Physical in the front part of the gym.
So that's how I learned to study. I loitered in a noisy breezeway with loud ass birds, watched a porn star run, realized I was illiterate, and watched the child of Jabba the Hut and Pee-wee Herman ruin a perfectly bad 80's song; all the while focusing on my one true goal. Finishing this outline and studying for this final which I just finished doing.