Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What cause or issue do you care about most? The environment? Homelessness and poverty? Bullying? Something else?

I care about safe spaces for LGBTQ Youth. As someone who grew up with limited access to safe spaces I believe that they provide an amazing opportunity for this generation to make even greater strides then that of our parents. I used to spend my summers in Miami, FL where I used to go to Pridelines Youth Services years later I now work there making the difference I wanted to see in the world. I care about safe spaces for LGBTQ Youth were people can be themselves.

Ask me anything

Monday, June 27, 2011

What event shaped your life the most?

The single most life changing moment in my life was the day I decided to come out. I always knew the road ahead of me wouldn't be easy but I could have never imagined how much life really did get better from that point on. If not for that I might not be the man that stands here today.

Ask me anything