Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What cause or issue do you care about most? The environment? Homelessness and poverty? Bullying? Something else?

I care about safe spaces for LGBTQ Youth. As someone who grew up with limited access to safe spaces I believe that they provide an amazing opportunity for this generation to make even greater strides then that of our parents. I used to spend my summers in Miami, FL where I used to go to Pridelines Youth Services years later I now work there making the difference I wanted to see in the world. I care about safe spaces for LGBTQ Youth were people can be themselves.

Ask me anything

Monday, June 27, 2011

What event shaped your life the most?

The single most life changing moment in my life was the day I decided to come out. I always knew the road ahead of me wouldn't be easy but I could have never imagined how much life really did get better from that point on. If not for that I might not be the man that stands here today.

Ask me anything

Friday, April 29, 2011

Hate; A feeling or an Addiction

I was once asked if I could live without one emotion what would it be. My answer was hate. Of all the feelings in all the world, I would like to think that hate is the worst. Hating something in my opinion is like caring around a suite case of bricks that only you can see. It weights heavy on the soul, clouds the mind, and obscures the truth. There is always all at once so much to be thankful for, and so much left to be done for there to be any time to hate anything in this world.

This weeks spotlight is dedicated to Hate Guide whose mission statement is: 
"To codify the movement against hate-dependence, expose hate-use in the public forum, and set hate-addicts on a path towards redemption." 
So in search of my own redemption I offer this my confession of hatred to the universe, and by doing so I make an agreement with myself from this day forward to live a life without hatred.

Friday, April 22, 2011

It Gets Better

According to the National Education Association it is estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. And I’m here to say that I used to be one of them. This weeks spotlight is dedicated to the It Gets Better Project. For those of you not familiar with the project it deals with the all to hard reality that young people everywhere face the daily struggles of bullying. More often then not those much younger then ourselves are left feeling like they have nowhere left to turn.

There is no group of people that this statement remains more true for then LGBT kids and teens, who often hide their sexuality for fear of bullying. Without other openly gay adults and mentors in their lives, they can't imagine what their future may hold. In many instances, gay and lesbian adolescents are taunted — even tortured — simply for being themselves.(

Bullying remains a constant struggle for children and young adults everywhere. Stand up to oppression, and stand strong for the countless people that are not only watching, but waiting to hear just how great it is when things get better.

Share your story today, and upload you very own It Gets Better video:

Make a difference today and take the pledge to make the world a better place:

Friday, April 15, 2011

In the Pursuit of Hope

Far too often in life, we find ourselves stuck in a rut. We’re all caught up in bang-ups and hang ups to realize that things can always be better if we simply try to look at life as a glass half-full rather than half empty. So, in an attempt to live a life where my cup flows over, I've decided to start with Hope. Some will call it a dream, others might say it’s a fantasy, but I have Hope. They say Hope is defined as the feeling that what is wanted can be had, or that events will turn out for the best, and I hope for the best every time I step outside my house and into my community.

I am of the opinion that giving back to the community is the most valuable thing one can do. Not only putting time and effort into ones community, but building it to be everything you want it to be an more. This week I’d like to spotlight the Miami Rescue Mission located in Miami on 2250 NW 1st Avenue. Not only do they provide a little over 2,000 meals a month, but they allow us “the community” to help give back as well through an amazing initiative called Operation Hope Tote. The goal is to provide basic, personal hygiene items to thousands of needy men, women, and children in the community. Imagine not having the basic human necessities like soap or toilet paper. Please help build awareness and bring hope back into people’s lives.

What Goes Into A Hope Tote?
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Soap
  • Shampoo
  • Deodorant
  • New Underwear
  • New Socks
  • Disposable Razors
  • Diapers
  • Baby Wipes
  • Sanitary Napkins
  • Lotion, etc.

For more information please visit: