Friday, April 29, 2011

Hate; A feeling or an Addiction

I was once asked if I could live without one emotion what would it be. My answer was hate. Of all the feelings in all the world, I would like to think that hate is the worst. Hating something in my opinion is like caring around a suite case of bricks that only you can see. It weights heavy on the soul, clouds the mind, and obscures the truth. There is always all at once so much to be thankful for, and so much left to be done for there to be any time to hate anything in this world.

This weeks spotlight is dedicated to Hate Guide whose mission statement is: 
"To codify the movement against hate-dependence, expose hate-use in the public forum, and set hate-addicts on a path towards redemption." 
So in search of my own redemption I offer this my confession of hatred to the universe, and by doing so I make an agreement with myself from this day forward to live a life without hatred.


  1. This seems like a formidable cause! I'm really glad someone thought of this to create a movement against hate. If this world had a little more love, how much better it would be.

    I once knew a happy little girl that loved life and thought the world was a great big globe filled with hope, possibilities, and goodness. As she grew older, she became increasingly dissatisfied with everything around her emotionally and spiritually, turning her little heart to the darkness and despair of hopelessness and hatred. She was an angry, bitter young woman that refused to believe in love and happiness, seeing the world through the broken glasses of depression and disillusion. People came in and out of her life reinforcing these ideas and strengthening these feelings. Who could tell at what point she became such a sad young woman, and what caused this transformation?

    For one, the seeds of hatred were sown into her soul, and grew quickly and disproportionately. It didn't help either, that she set her sights on the wrong people and modeled the world after a dozen or so individuals that could never represent the good there is in this universe.

    I have slowly been recuperating from this long history of hatred and bitterness, but it hasn't been easy. It was a personal choice to combat depression and anger and turn into the lively young woman I am now. It took courage and strength to get myself together and decide to completely turn my life around.

    The massage I leave you with today is simple; it's the message I always try to leave you with. It'd s message of eternal hope. If my cold, hard heart could be warmed with the truth and love of this world, there will always be hope for yours, too.

    God bless, take care, and keep strong!

  2. The world could use more emotional sunshine.
